Zebedee Nursery School Application Form Child's Name * First Name Last Name Male / Female * Male Female Date of Birth * MM DD YYYY Mother's Name * First Name Last Name Father's Name * First Name Last Name Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Mobile (Mother) * (###) ### #### Mobile (Father) * (###) ### #### Email (Mother) * Email (Father) * WHICH TERM WOULD YOU LIKE TO START NURSERY? * SEPTEMBER APRIL JANUARY * 2024 2025 2026 2027 MORNING SCHOOL (2-4yrs) 9am - 1pm (8am early drop off available) * NOTE: Minimum of 3 mornings required for two year olds, and 5 mornings for three year olds Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Optional early drop off - 8am Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday AFTERNOON SCHOOL (2-4yrs) 1pm - 3:30pm This selection will be for the initial term, thereafter afternoons can be added Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Pre-prep school applied for (if any) Age you anticipate your child will leave the school * Nationality * Mother tongue * How did you hear about Zebedee? Google Social Media Parent Talks Friend / Family Already attend the nursery Other I understand that my selected preferred days are subject to availability and will be confirmed the term before my child starts. I understand that the school fees are payable in advance and that if I wish to cancel the place for my child for any reason; I am required to give a term's notice in writing or pay the full term's fees in lieu. I understand a non-refundable deposit of £900 (which will be credited against the final term's fees) will be due one year in advance to secure the place. I understand also that the deposit will only be returned if a full terms notice is given in case of an earlier leaving date. * Please tick here to agree to these terms Print Name as signature * First Name Last Name Date Signed * MM DD YYYY £70 Registration fee paid * Cheque Cash Bank Transfer (SORT CODE: 30-94-65 ACCOUNT: 02564125) We have received your application form and will be in touch, thank you!